Art Opening

One of art's aims is to question the normal and to explore alternatives, to deviate from conventions, regulations, measures, restrictions, mandates and protocols. In a time when bodies are seen as sources of infection and disease, and we're preferred as online disembodied presences, turned against each other, Art Opening is a reminder that bodies are also sources of affects, intuitions, connection, presence, joy, creativity, love, sensibility, without which, there is no 'life' to be saved. 

June 3, 2021, 17-21h, Parc Izvor, Bucharest

With: Roxana Ardeleanu, Flavia Bălan, Silvia Costin, Andreea David, Bogdan Drăgănescu, Giles Eldridge, Florin Flueras, Adriana Gheorghe, Cătălina Gubandru, Virginia Negru, Luca Popa, Bogdan Sibi, Alina Tofan, Eliza Trefas, Alex Vrajitoriu...

Project by Florin Flueraș @

Photo credit: Eliza Trefas, Cătălina Gubandru, Florin Flueraș