9th November - 10th December, 2017
Opening: Thursday, November 9, 2017
group show
group show
'drink the pink' is a cytological test, extracted out of its original context; its narrative lines rearranged, and vaguely corrupted. The morphology is suggestive of an ambiguity around words such as ‘nature’ or ‘natural’.
at least for the moment.
omnipresent and insidious, manufactured nature is a simulation of a nature that was never there. Biotechnology is the scientific development through which human design creates an artificial, provocative authenticity. The ability to transfer a certain trait from one creature to another, with a purpose, is the principle of synthetic biology. In search of an equilibrium between technology and humanity, in vitro fertilisation, for example, offers oblique answers and brings about a new type of sensibility. It is doubtful whether technology can help us return to a more natural way of living. Perplexed in front of a supposed normality, nature becomes nature again through aleatory chaos and unintentional consequences. (Silvia Costin)
'extreme storyteller', oil/linen, 40x30 cm, (detail, installation view)
'the ear', oil/linen, 40x50 cm (each painting)
from the show
'twins', 80x60 cm, oil on linen, 2017